April 16, 2014

My Favorite Weekend

Jeff got Friday off, and we decided to go to the beach. We got a hotel in Beaufort and spent the weekend out in the sun. We had the best time, and we couldn't have asked for better weather. The best part about it was watching our little Garrett play and explore. He's a handful, but so much joy comes from seeing him charge towards the waves with his hands in the air or watching him try and fill his sand bucket with tiny fistfuls of sand.

S A V A N N A H , G E O R G I A

If you ever go to Savannah, you must go to Savannah's candy kitchen and buy their original pecan pralines.
I wanted to buy some, but they were $17.95 a pound!! So we just ate all the samples we could get. 
We had to go see the prettiest street in America, (I can't cite my source) Jones Street.

We visited Forsyth Park 

We won't be putting Garrett in this little outfit again, at least not in public,
he got called a little girl a minimum of three times.
 H U N T I N G  I S L A N D

If I ever go to a beach again in this area, it will be hunting island. There were only two other people there when we arrived and it didn't get very crowded as the day went on. 

I love seeing Garrett's little foot prints in the sand. 

G loved having dad run around with him and pretending he's an airplane. 

H I L T O N  H E A D 

Garrett is also known as babyzilla, he just wanted to destroy anything that was standing.

"Can I play with him?" This cute little girl wanted Garrett to come play with her in the ocean. 
Face plant disaster. 

We rented bikes and went for a ride around sea pines.
This one is just for you mom. My mom grew up in South Carolina and told us to be sure to get some ice cream at the base of the light house. 

 P R I N C E  W I L L I A M  P A R I S H - B E A U F O R T  C O U N T Y
I was kind of obsessed with these ruins, we passed them on the way in and I kept reminding Jeff that we needed to go back before we left. It was beautiful and was in a very peaceful setting. The church was set on fire during the Revolutionary War, was rebuilt and then was either burned down again or gutted by those in the area to rebuild homes, there are differing views about what happened.

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