August 29, 2011

summer vacation

Right after Jeff took his board exam, we got to go on a much needed vacation to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, to visit my mom's side of the family and RELAX. We had a blast.
I know this trip happened in July, but I had to post our week long adventure. 

Jeff and his little swimsuit...

All you can eat crab legs...

This was not planned...

Amy enjoying the lazy river...

I had to throw in this picture....

local amusement park 

Jeff and Amy riding the Hammer. It was insane! 

They were super high and all we could see were their feet.

Thanks for the fun break mom and dad! 
We had a blast eating friendly's ice cream, hanging out on the beach and being with family. 

August 25, 2011

...any month now

Wanting a little baby is a frustrating thing. 
It hasn't been that long since my miscarriage, 
but every time that "special" time of the month arrives 
a little part of me sighs, and not with relief. 

I know people mean well, but sometimes the phrases people say are...just funny. 
"You don't want kids, you've got so much to do in life"
Well, what I want to do in life is be a mom
So, yes, I do want kids. 

"When are you going to have children?"
I'm working on it. 
There's only so much I can do on my part. 
If only the little swimmers could swim faster! 

I know I have no idea what's in store for me. 
But my heart yearns when I see moms make little capes for their little boys, 
so they can run around and pretend to be super heroes. 
I see moms wanting to pull their hair out, because their 
liitle girl was screaming all night long, and they didn't get any sleep. 
I want to be there. I want to make a cape. I want to be up all night. 
I know you're thinking, you're not going to want that once you get there,
but right now I do want it, and hopefully when I'm there, I'll remember. 

And I know my life could be much worse, way worse.  
But right now, this is what I'm going through and 
I think others can relate. 

I don't want people's sympathy.
I just needed to share. 

August 18, 2011


"You can do anything!" is a phrase I hear constantly from Jeff

...and I'm so grateful for it.

Before I made my decision to start school again, I went through a mind battle.
I was pregnant at the time, working 40 hours and didn't know how I was going to manage my time.
I was venting my thoughts of stress about my decision to Jeff one day when he told me,
"You can do anything"
He was so full of optimism.
It made me feel secure, and with that I registered for classes.

Deciding to go back to school has been a blessing in disguise.
I had my miscarriage and starting school helped me focus on something else.
I studied harder than ever before.
With each quiz, paper, and test the studying was paying off.
I built my confidence level up, because of this and whenever I saw the results from my hard work this little bubble of excitement would start to bounce around in my stomach and it just made me happy.
I feel fulfilled.
I never thought I would be able to work 40 hours a week and go back to school at the same time
And I did it...

I know I can do anything if I put in the time and effort and keep my Heavenly Father close